our party-overs were hiding out at the downtown standard rooftop

James woke up from his nap as a disco ball

and Ian brought back-up

Horsemeat! James likes to turn us on/ turn us over with his jams

and James directs me in a silent ballet with sparklers across the rooftop dancefloor

as the re-group is in denial that it might all be over
Sunday's plans of 2 birthday parties (Gemma and Jen) and a happy holidays/ I thought you were Jewish party by Sascha were excruciatingly sabotaged as the donuts/ DFA crew and I roamed Los Angeles from the rooftop of the downtown standard in the midst of weird weather, too little sleep, and fits of music and dancing.
It was all really a slow-dive at fun.
I lit the giant sparklers and did a dance, until Bucky pointed out that it was a lot like the scene from burning man last summer. which of course was the most sobering thing I had ever heard.
Eventually everyone was on their way, and we-decamped cold and hungry looking for a promised best-homemade-tofu restaurant ever.
which was closed.
We finally ended up at green leaves, where my hangover climaxed in a vegan chicken burger and a lot of embarrassing stories recounted and retold.
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