Friday, January 30, 2009

1/29ths (Zuma/Point Break)

Dear Nancy,
the sun becomes you...

Monday, January 26, 2009

1/24/09 ArtLA Studio down party

Tomory and I as good painting monsters

Jen as Zebra

Tomory and Jen

the Van and Morrison Club

Robert, Van, and Brett

Lisa and Tim

Maude and Stephanie

Ian and Robert

Shana and Whit

Alex Maye, Maynard, friend, Lucy, Christopher, and Shana

1/23/09 MM M MMM

1/17 (Jules Verne!)

Stephane instructs Jules in proper edict for his first knife fight,

followed by Jules first drawing!

1/15 onwards with Juan and the Tims

1/15 dear Alphaeus Taylor at Pailhouse


over Colorado

Noah and I took a belated new years bike ride around the westside to catch the sunset on Venice.
Wonderful to be home.

Friday, January 9, 2009

1/8 Early for late

leaving Baltimore to trace an old route back to Denver,
I am in a holding pattern of childhood ski trips to the mountains and college getaways to visit Ash in Boulder.
and a constant genesis soundtrack.
the spell began to break when I got my connecting flight in Denver, and the plane peaked coming over the rockies to the desert flats. but still
I landed in LA somehow behind caught up in my memory trekking.

and even breakfast downtown today with the Freeblooders still keeps me a few days behind in a fake jetlag, remembering seeing them Saturday night instead of missing them the night before...

trying to catch up.

Gratuitous Louie

Louie thinks about coming back to California

1/5 Babylove

Ash and Mrs.Lanahan
get ready to get showered with baby gifts for baby bean Huff.

The cocktails, snowman! and the giant puppy were easy favorites.

And it was awesome to see Ashley so full of light and surrounded by old friends anticipating this amazing abstract moment.

76th Chandelier Star

lulling me to bed.

(thankyou again John and Adriana)

everyone paused and somewhere updated

Evan is missed, and starts his epic in SoutheastAsia

meanwhile in NYC

1/3 Marc and I en route to dinner at the little owl when we found this NYC glacier.

I have loved Pati and vice versus through all our new years resolutions.
We paired for a fantastic lunch, but the carp scales are missing. So we will have to hedge our luck on love.

Brooklyn darlings Sam and Micaela, hours from their flight to Scotland, and dear Gabe, all meet me in the middle of brooklyn for some mexican at Bonita
California casts a shadow and the new year looms close.

Friday, January 2, 2009

H A P P Y N E W Y E A R 2009!

In New York City

Diane and Keith at Eamonn's

Eamonn showing off his favorite Medical Arts cover to Vic

Hisham and Manders

Diane and Manders

With Suzy

Shani and Eamonn

Parilla and Manders

Manders,Shani,Eamonn, and Parilla

Keith, Kate, and Sham

Suzy and Tom AND Vic and Tunde

Best New Years kisses and dance moves