Saturday, June 26, 2010

Day 2/ Night 2: Tunis> Driving to Dougga

Press morning.
starting the notes that never finish.

then onto the car/ into the car

Buc questioning my direction

Day 2/ Night 2: La residence, Tunis

Buc waking up in a trail of my clothes.

Roooooom-service breakfast on the balcony

morning jog with Charles to shipwreck

Hannes explaining his landing in Tunisia

Day 1/ Night 1:La Residence, Carthage, beachside

postcards from the frontier

to the beach

to the welcome party/
Sami's birthday came with leopard print fire-eating girls.
Hannes and I found each other again. and got back in a taxi.



crossing the Med

Landing Tunis/Carthage

Friday, June 25, 2010

story recounted, added, packed

packing for the meta trip

our send-off dinner and Annemarie's welcome dinner at Adam Jones'.

Amours des apres midi

Dan,Sylvie, et Fil at cafe Marly aka club sandwich and champagne

to super late at Turner/ Grand Palais
surreal Turner experience feeling the grey waiting in the rain.

Monday, June 21, 2010

Chateaubriand: pause




Tim and Mimi